The Generative Knowledge Institute

We help people discover and build upon their vast hidden sources of strength, intelligence, passion and purpose.


Generative methods are the most potent tool for learning and transformation I’ve ever encountered. They do what nothing else can do - they help people transform their unconscious limiting beliefs by identifying their hidden purpose and superpowers through the use of evidence - hard core data - derived from their own life experiences. It is an extraordinary thing to witness, and an even better thing to experience first hand. We used these methods to increase retention by 40% in a first-generation students, something never even dreamed of before...

Dr. Jeff King, Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Transformative Teaching and Learning, University of Central Oklahoma.

Students and staff at the University of Central Oklahoma telling stories of how they use the Integrative Knowledge Portfolio Process (IKPP) for the Hispanic Success Initiative.

Lisa Barry interviewed Dr. Melissa Peet about “the art of well-being, helping find hidden sources of Purpose, Strength and Passion.”


Click on the picture to listen to Dr. Melissa Peet’s interview on WEMU

Generative = Resource Creating

Since the processes of learning, change and regeneration happen within us unconsciously and automatically, most people don't know what they know, and have no idea the incredible resources they possess to successfully facilitate change. As a result, many people feel lost, confused and fragmented, not knowing where to go next. We help people discover and build upon the vast hidden reservoir of intelligence, strength, capacity and purposefulness they already have, but don’t know how to access.  It is truly a life changing experience.


As the founder of Generative Knowledge Institute, Dr Peet discovered Generative Knowledge methods through her research, teaching and assessment work at the University of Michigan. She has since used these methods to facilitate change within people and organizations around the world.

“In order to be fully engaged in work and life, we need to feel focused, purposeful and connected to others. Although this may seem simple and straightforward, it is rarely achieved. Most people have never had the opportunity to discover what truly engages and inspires them, let alone the privilege of translating their passion into purposeful work within a supportive community. This gap continues to have a devastating impact on individuals, families, institutions and communities. We can no longer afford to have these essential resources hidden from us.
— — Dr Melissa Peet

TedX at UCO

Listen to Dr. Peet's TedX talk from 2017 and University of Central Oklahoma. She explains the research and discovery of the generative method she has developed the last ten years.

Creating positive change is something many wish to do, but few can truly put into practice. Melissa Peet is one of the few. With the right tools and methods,...


We offer courses, workshops, and consultations for individuals, groups and communities. We work with people from all walks of life - managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, faculty, teachers, coaches, advisors, students, parents, nurses and mental health workers just to name a few.  Please contact us if you'd like additional information about upcoming trainings and workshops or if you'd like to create a custom training for your organization or community.   

Trainings and Workshops

Case study from Berghs School of Communication, Sweden

As a part of a professional development course at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, Sweden, Dr. Peet had a session via skype, including a short lecture and a live interview with course director Christopher Waldekrantz. The students then did generative interviews with each other.  

As a part of the year long student development program (DEV) at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, Sweden, the students worked with Dr Melissa Peet from GKI, General Knowledge Institute. They worked on retrieving their hidden knowledge, passions and purpose. Learning Developer Patrik Hambraeus directs the DEV program and presents the case film from the session.

Nydia Cardenas uses Generative Methods as a coach to entrepreneurs. Nydia is passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their companies, create jobs and transform cities. She currently lives in Detroit where she is developing programs to help professional athletes leverage their social and financial capital for economic development in their communities and preparing for careers after retiring from sports.Nydia is from Fort Worth, Texas and holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.